HCAF was established in 1995 by Dr Rod Jones. He has a BSc (Hon) in Microbiology, a PhD in Chemical Engineering (Biochemical) and is a chartered management accountant (ACMA, CGMA). He spent seventeen years in research and process development engineering for blue chip fmcg plc's and as general manager of an international laboratory proficiency testing organisation.
Rod entered healthcare in the early 90's as Assistant Director of Information at a large acute hospital. He has conducted a wide range of healthcare projects and developed unique tools and models to assist both providers and purchasers to maximise cost benefits from projects and avoid the misapplication of resources.
His research has led to the development of innovative and new methods for forecasting demand (activity & physical resources) and understanding the operational and financial challenges in healthcare. He is the author of hundreds of articles & reports, is an invited conference speaker and a member of the editorial board of the British Journal of Healthcare Management and contributes to the regular 'Money Matters' series.
Read Resume or view recommendations on Linkedin http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/rodney-jones/3a/394/426
Each page (see tabs above) on this website contains easy to understand articles covering a variety of key but often poorly understood aspects of healthcare management and planning.